Tuesday 31 March 2020

advertising task

Structure features of adverts 

Copy – written explanation of the product of the product 
Headline – designed to be the first copy the potential customers reads , grabs the readers attention
Subheading – spells out or elaborates the promise made in the headline but is not also present 
Slogan – describes the benefit of the product the product the products most important attributes 
Logo – a symbol or small design to identify its products 
Central image – the main image on the advert often be striking and grabs the readers attention of the customer
Typography – style or font used on the advert and helps create a brand identify
Brand identity – how  a business wants to be perceived by  

Analyzing an advert 
Who or what is seen and how are they represented 
Aim of the print advert ?
Denotation and connotation ?
Media language – camera shot , mise en scene , typography , editing ( way it has been put together )
Representation of males and females , themes , the brand 
Psychology – which human needs is it satisfying

What do we analyse ?
Media language – colour type of shot , angle , focus , dept of field , mise en scene , realism , narrative , use of text and copy , font design / size

Who / what is seen 
How are they represented 
Themes . messages 

who is the target audience for this advertisement 
How do we know
What might other audiences make of it 

Mise en scene = the arrangement of the scencery props ect
Facial expression 
Bodily posture
Spatial behavior 
Clothes and appearance

Lighting – how and why have they been used ?

Eplain how representations in adverts are constructed, and how they reflect the social and cultural contexts in which they were made. 
In this you must include:
 - How issues/individuals/social groups are represented
- reference to media language and the way it supports the representation (look at specifics such as typography, layout, etc)
- How the representations and stereotypes have been influenced by the social and cultural contexts

 The colour is green, green is a colour of life and could also be used to show renewal , nature and energy is can also be associated with money ambition and greed which also fits in with this products ( the energy drink ) i think that the choice of colour is very important and gives it a clear understanding that this drink is saying if you have this then it gives you energy and new life unleashing the beast . it seems to be more towards a man from the man like feauters on the bottle green is also more towards men therefore backs this point up . the background shows a green cracked screen like if you were in . the background also has a monster truck typically what most men wish to or would like to drive or own . the slogan unleash the beast is more towards men and its to make them more powerfull suggesting that if you have this drink then you will unlease some sence of power . the central image is of the monster energy drinks and they are clearly showing what type of advertisment this is . the font used for " unlesh the beast " fits the type product this is advertisign for and also the audince ( men ) it is not a formal style  and instead it looks very bold and out there.

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