Tuesday 21 April 2020

titanium , stop where you are music video analyze

Analyse the camera , editing and mise en scene of the two music videos


camera -
The camera starts of at a low angle as the boy has his hands on his head. The camera then follows the boy around the school pauses when you see the lady on the phone and the you see the close up angle from the lady . it then folows the boy around the school into the locker room .when the boy gets on his bike the camera folows him , when he goes at his fastest pace the camera stays by the side of the boy as if they are together when the boy slows down the camera drops behind .The camera then shows the mens feet running at a low camera angle to show that they are on a mission to find the boy . They have also captured when the boy has escaped to use the lighting and caputure the light shining throught door to look as if he has vanished asn we cant see where he has gone .

Mise en scene -
 there are torn up pieces of paper , wrapers and spilled drinks on the floor where the boy is . The setting looks like something has happened and has distrupted the school. the lighting of this school has some light areas , depsite the locker room beign very sinister and dark .with the use of the prop the hat i feel as if this is used specificly to cover up , the mess he has done to hide.

there are a few special effects in this music video . when the boy wants the key the effects makes it look as if they are floating from the use of the boys superpowers. he also makes the bears in the bedroom to float up in the sky and spin around with the use of speical affects makes it look real . Finally when the boy is captured and he is on the ground he used his special powers to and makes the leafs all blow and makes the police men blow over fromt eh use of the editing and speical affects 

stop where you are 

camera -
the camera starts of first front on close up angel , and then focuses on the movement of her feet capturing her walk past . the camera stays up high and captures the lady walk up the stairs, zooming in onto her face.the camera then goes from her point of view walking up the stairs , the camera is brought back down looking down from the lady singing . the camera follows the group of people fast but when the lady signs stop the cameras movement slows down and follows the people as if the camera was with them in the opposite dierection so you see them run past.the camerma then captures the people doing things such as a backflip of the wall . 

mise en scene
at first the lighting is very dark , but uses the natural sun light to shine through to make it appear more lighter . when the camera goes back to the angle of the stairs they appear very dark and sinister .there is a dark scence where the lady is standign there at it looks as if their is fog or mist pasing through , looking very grey and sinister .however we then see light shining through the windows . could be refereing to peoples talent shining through . when it is the chorus there is alot more lighting . the lady also wears a bright pink dress and contrast with the dark setting and then matches when the sun is shining through 

editing - 
the editing uses is using slow motion effect to show the people stopping and making them realise . at the start of the song there are many short shots and then when the chorus begins they are longer shots taking more time .

CBR – Stop Where You Are
David Guetta - Titanium
Which genre? How do you know? What generic features do you see (e.g. dance routine: dance/pop music) Sound – genre, instruments, lyrics, emotion
The genre here is power , and is expressed with the use of the light shining through to show the energy that these people have . the song is slow and deep and then livens up when the chorus hits . no dance routine just her lip signing it .this song is very slow compared 
Genre is more superpowers , from the use of the boys superpowers from his making things fly and blow up . there are no dance routines you just follow the boys story around . 
How much of each? Which parts? (e.g performance in chorus, narrative in verse)
How does this link to genre?
The narrative for this is about one lady who is signing and she is trying to tell people to be themselves and realise the power they have and enjoy what they  have know as everyone has their own talent like the boy who does the back flip.
The boy  is about the boy being unstoppable and titanium meaning powerful, it also shows resilience showing the boys inner strength , as we wonder thought the school showing the boys strength and what he has done people trying to capture him he gets away

Camera shots – which types?
What variety of shots is there?
What are shots of?
Are there shots of artist? How many? What are they doing/type?
At the start there are a lot of short shots of the girl walking up the stars and then it would move to the light , followed by the building .however as we moved onto the chorus the shots got longer especially when we when onto the part when the lady sang about stopping we see a long shot of the people running in slow motion .
At the start there different lengths of the shots , the scenes where the boy is on the floor is slow , when he is walking through the lockers is slow , however it begins to pick up when the boy is speeding on his bike , the length of the shots get shorter which creates a more lively and faster scene .
Editing – How are camera shots edited? What is the pace like? How does the editing fit the music

The pace is slow and nothing major happens but you can see the emotion that the people are feeling , the pace fits the music because the lady is singing slow and soft  and the camera just slowly follows her and doesn’t move to fast or out of character 

The pace at the beginning is very slow when we see the boy awakening from the floor , however when the boy is cycling extortionately on his bike the camera follows his pace and makes it seem as if they are cycling at the same speed the camera then falls behind which could be showing that the boy is unstoppable an nothing can beat him  .
Mise-en-scene – comment on costume, setting, hair, props, make up, facial expressions etc
How does this fit genre?
The setting is on a building and we see the lady walking on the stairs and herself on the top of the building .it fits the genre because you get to see dark sides of the building and when the light shines through it could resemble the persons powers and energy

The setting is at the school and the place looks like something has happened to it from the use of the torn up letters and spilled drinks . the boy has a bike and uses it to express his power as he goes beyond fast. The police officers also look very supposed and shocked from the boys superpowers and uses facial expressions to show this 
How does the artist want to be seen? How do they come across to their audience?
I think the artists wants people to see that people need to express themselves and shine and be themselves . she comes across as a helping caring person and wants people to become more like her.
I think the boy is showing that he is unstoppable and that he has superpowers . it expresses his understrength . it also leaves a lot of questions at the end about why this has happened 

  • Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to promote the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer. [10] 

In the music video Titanium , singer Sia ,and DJ record producer , David Guetta have crafted this music video to promote themselves to come across as a compassionate individual that wants to raise awareness about bullying whilst being unstoppable  by representing them self with the boy who’s powerful and strong. 
The song its self (titanium ) is named after being a strong hard metal therefore is representing the little boy who is featured in this music video. The artists who created this song could be representing themselves as strong individuals that want to help the boy find his strength and become powerful . Despite the song not being about themselves they could have used this song to show to the audience that anyone is powerful  and unbreakable making them stand up for bully’s and giving them hope . the fact that the artists have created this song / music video makes them come across as caring and thoughtful for people who are facing hard times and going through difficult stages through their life who need a bit of support to get them through tough times . They then would listen to the song and it would help them and give them hope and confidence and show them anyone can be powerful .

1 comment:

  1. 500 words? You need to answer the question using camera, mise en scene and editing to support your points on representation. Low angle shot of ... signifies ... representing ....
