Thursday 23 April 2020

lucozade sport advertising

Lucozade sport research task I believe campaign

About the campaign 
·      4m campaign 
·      To educate consumers about how the brand can help sport performance 
·      Brand ambassadors Gareth bale and Alex Oxlade-chamberlain 
·      It “hydrates and fuels you better than water”
·      It ran across tv , digital and press platforms including sampling activity 
·      Improve performance by drinking the soft drink instead of water before and during matched 

·      Scientific expertise with product innovation to help athletes across the uk and Ireland to reach their sporting potential through nutrition
bold slogan
water is purest drink
wants people to test it
# wants people to tweet about it - inspiring
raise awareness
bright colour of yellow
energetic nature
Gareth Bale is used
role model
copy him
eye-level with audience
equal to reader
you can be like him

History of the brand 
·      created in the UK 
·      sold all over Britain 
·      Thomas Beecham 1927 
·      Used to be called glucozade until 1929
·      Increased sales
·      Used to be a medicinal drink 
·      1987 added new flavors –
·      2003 made the drink healthy lucozade sport 

Date and time of the campaign 

·      July 30th2013 during the time that Gareth Bale was pushing through to move to real Madrid 
·      Year later – complaints (hydrates you better than water ) 
·      63 complaints
·      Broke advertising rules 

Social media 
·      Use of the hashtag I believe 
·      Tending on social media platforms
·      Twitter 
·      Facebook
·      Spread worldwide 
·      Free no cost but use of social media
·      Own Facebook and twitter page

·      Millions of users daily 
What do we analyses ? print adverts 

Media language 

·      color 
·      type of shot 
·      angle 
·      focus 
·      depth of field
·      mise-en-scene 
·      realism 
·      narrative 
·      use of text
·      font design 
·      layout 


·     who is the target audience for this advertisement
·     how do we know ?
·     what might other audiences make of it 
·     how is the audience addresses / attached  
·     how are vales transferred 


·     who is seen 

·     how are represented 

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