Tuesday 24 March 2020


media language and representation exam
magazines the big issue -  spec says 

magazines must be studied - media language and media representations, including consideration of the social, cultural and political context that influence how media language is used to construct representations
big  issue niche magazine
learners may not engage with it

key terms 

circulation  - number of copies a magazine sells

readership - not just who buys a magazine but the total number of people likely to read it

mass audience -  readership on a very large scale

niche audience - narrow group of readers with a particular interest

subscription - where a reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazine in advance at a lower price and receive them by post

mast head - the title of the magazine

plug - the text that "Plugs " A feature that will appear inside the magazine

puff - a story that is given prominence on the cover

cover star - the star featured on the cover

anchorage text - text that achors the main image and gives it context / meaning

banner - text that runs across the lower section of the cover

skyline - text that runs across the top of the cover

advertising in magazines
without the advertsiing , no magazine could survive , if a magazine did not contain ads , then the cover price would be three or four times greater
the income for magazine come from both sales and advertising on average , advertising accounts for 70% of magazine income

a magazine with a small circulation is more dependent on adverting than one with a large circulation

make notes on the big issue
1991 gordan roddick and john bird
sold only on the streets
sold by people facing poverty and homelessness
 way for them to make a living - homelessness
publishing revolution
the vendourd buy it from us half the cover price then sell it it and earn the differerce
social enterprice

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