Friday 24 April 2020

charity advertising shelter advert

Shelter advert 
·     Launched on the 1stDecember 1966
·     Registered charity
·     Campaigns to end homelessness
·     Bad housing in England’s and Scotland
·     Helps people in housing 
·     Providing advice
·     Practical assistance
·     Fights for better investment
·     Law and polices to improve the lives of homeless
·     They do this by 
·     Face to face service
·     National helpline online advice
·     Legal support 

Shelters value 
·     Value safety
·     Ensure people are living in a safe community 
·     Free from harassment 
·     Long term tenancy (live without threat of eviction )
·     Have enough homes built everyone 
·     Everyone has opportunity to buy or rent homes

Target audience for shelter 
·     People with disposable cash 
·     Middle class
·     Abc1 demographics
·     Sponsorships 
·     Large companies
·     Anyone suffering from being homeless or unable to afford in danger or being evicted 

Techniques used to get to the audience 
·     Using personal anecdotes to create empathy 
·     Showing the consequence of homelessness

·     Use children to address vulnerability pathos

Analyze the cover of shelter

·     Facial expression anxious , nervous , stressed 
·     Black background – draws focus on the face , represents dark emotion , puts them on a spotlight , one their own 
·     Close up shots , get to see their emotions clear focusing on facial expression 
·     Induce the empathy of the audience
·     Donating benefits the people represented in the advert 
·     Strong color of red shows blood 
·     Different range of ethnicities reflects it can affect any gender age and race
·     Each photo contains different scenario shows different ways people can have with housing problems 
·     Creates realism and threat to may people.
·     Bas the information (website ) to make it clear it is a charity 
·     Target audience ( most people own or rent property ) affect them the most 
·     Emotive language to appeal sympathetic nature of people 
·     Lack of representation with diversity – don’t stereotype 
·     People look average don’t look homeless 
·     Can happen to anyone
·     Red has connotation of danger suggesting fear
·     Language  personal pronouns (we) encourage a feeling of inclusion and empathy 
·     Extreme close up allows the viewer to see their anxious facial expression 
·     Direct address attracts attention and feels personal 
·     Lips are slightly parted suggesting they are about to speak or want to 
·     Characters and featured are similar looking which implies equality 
·     Red dramatic message appears over the top of the faces

Shelter launches new advertising campaign with Amplify to drive ...

Thursday 23 April 2020

old spice

Media Language:
•Type of shot
•Depth of field
•Use of text/copy
•Font design/size

  • DRCAGES/places/themes/ideas/messages

•Who/What/Where is seen?
•How are they represented?

About the brand 

·      Male grooming brands from P&G
·      Launched for men 
·      Who want power to seep into their very pores
·      Scent to last 8 hours
·      Average work day
·      Hydrating formula leaves the skin smooth 
·      Campaign created by agency weiden and Kennedy 
·      Edulcates womon on how their man could smell 
·      Targets male audience 
·      Old spice was getting dated 
·      Older people used to have it 
·      Wanted to attract new young customers 


·      It launched in 2010
·      Got 11 million views 

Impact of the campaign 

·      105 million YouTube views on the campaigned
·      1.2 billion earned media impressions
·      2700% increase in twitter followers 
·      800%increase in Facebook fan interaction
·      Most views sponsored YouTube channel
·      Managed to become more successful 
·      Changed the mindset of its younger target audience 
·      Expanded to other products due to immense success 
·      Spoke directly to the audience in a humorous way