Friday 18 October 2019

media revision notes for the test

what does LIAR stand for ?
language industry audience and representation

what does genre mean ?
genre means type .

genre can be dominated by repetition but also marked by different variation and change

who said about
Steve Neale

what does DISINCT stand for ?
describe in detail
textual analysis

what is semiotics?
the study of signs , anything that wants to stand for something else

what does denotation stand for ?

what we see when we look at an image (what it is )
what does connotation stand for ?
what we understand from the image (other meanings )
what did Stuart hall discover?
Stuart hall discovered a theory that audiences can have different reactions to a media text weather it
be in a film documentary newspaper or even a film

what does preferred reading mean ?
how the creator wants the audience to view the media text

oppositional reading?
where the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the reader

what does mise en scene mean ?
what is put in the scene or frame

what is the acronym for mise en scene ?
costume lighting actor makeup props setting

camera acronym ?
frame angle movement

sound acronym ?
mcdoved , music contrapuntal /parallel diegetic non on screen volume voice over emotion , dialog

what does contrapuntal mean ?
sound that does not match the mood

what does diegetic mean ?
sound that the characters can hear

editing acronym?
stops , special effects transition order of narrative pace screen time

what does representation mean ?
anything is constructed the way in which people event and ideas are presented to the audience . the media then takes something that is already there and represents it to us the way they choose .

what is a sterotype ?
they are repeated so often that we assume they are normal or true ,they are often represented as a visual shortcut

what is a countertype ?
a representation that challenges tradition stereotypical associations of group or places

what does drcages stand for ?
disability regionalism class age gender ethnicity sexuality

what does letter code A stand for ?
higher management , bankers ,lawyers doctors ect

what does letter code B stand for ?
middle management teachers creative and media people (graphic designers)

what does letter code C1 stand for ?
office supervision , junior managers , nurses , specialists ,  white collar jobs

what does letter code c2 stand for ?
skilled manual workers plumber builders blue collar jobs

what does letter code D stand for ?
Semi skilled and unskilled manual workers

what does letter code E stand for ?
unemployed students pensioners casual workers

what are aspirers?
seek security ,tend to be domestic 

what are aspires
seek status , materialistic oriented to image and appearance persona and fashion typically younger people 

what are succeeders ?
seek control strong goals confidence work ethic organisation typically higher management and professionals 

what are resigned ?
seek survival right and authoritarian value. interested in past and tradition and typically older people

what are explorers?
seek discovery energy and individualism and experience , value difference and adventure they are typically younger demographic students
what are struggles?
seek escape , disorganized buys alcohol junk food and lottery tickets , typically lower demographics 

what are reformers ?

seek enlightenment , freedom of restrictions , social awareness and independant , aware of good taste

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