Tuesday 15 October 2019



George Gerbner
The idea that exposure to repeated patterns of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence the way which people perceive the world around .

Albert Bandura
media can implant ideas in mind of audiences . audiences acquire attitudes emotion Responses and new style of conduct through modelling . media represents of transgression behavior such as violence or physical aggression can lead member to bad behavior.

media affect
Bandura looks at the way media texts have a direct effect theory to Marilyn Manson and natural born killers .

Stuart hall - reception theory
the idea that communication is a process individuating encoding by producers and decoding by audience
the idea that there are 3 hypothetical positions from which messages are meaning may be decoded

the dominant hegemonic position- This is also known as the preferred reading . the encoders intended meaning is fully understood 

the negotiated position  - the legitimacy of the encoders message is acknowledged in general terms although the message is adapted pr negotiated to better fit the decodes own individual experiences or context.

the Oppositional position  - the encoders message is understood but the decoder disagrees with its reading . 

Steve Neale 
genre is made up of repetition and different variations and change . 
repetition - constantly dark , ghoasts horror
differences - unusual 

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