Monday 9 September 2019

the note book analysis

the note book analysis 

Image result for film posters notebook

d- From looking at this poster from the film"the note book" you would assume that this is about a boy and girl who fall in love . By looking at the clothing you could predict that this was back in a later period and isn't modern . Some people would say the rain helps add a romantic touch .
s- The setting here is rain , normally rain would indicate something bad is about to happen however in this scene it shows us how the characters are so committed to each other that they don't care about the weather , this then lets the audience see their love for each other despite bad situations .
t-The theme here is love , there is a slight theme of hatred toward the mother and son-in law  as their different thoughts contrast .
i- The props here they use is a house ( the story is based on her wealth and his love and care for her despite the money ,her parents disprove they plan to build a house however things go down hill and then they break up , however he still manages to build the house they always wanted ) the house is a main icon in this film .
n- The two different family one being weathy background  and one being from a lower class family . They fall in love however her mother has more care about her daughters future then the current situation about money , she hopes her daughter will find someone who will provide her with money despite Noah earning  low . the mothers relationship shows us what sort of women she is , she doesn't look at her husband the way Alison looks at Noah therefore shows us tat the parents are not in love and could be only together for financial support .throught ups and downs their relationship goes from, bad to worse when Alison is forced to move 365 letters later Noah stops trying not knowing Alison never received one of them letter instead her mother had hidden them to prevent Noah and Alison getting back together . the story is told by two old grandparents the old lady whom has amnesia and can't remember her life and the other by a old grandparent who is telling a story to the lady with amnesia , you then begin to understand the reason why the old man is telling the lady with amnesia which is because they story is about a love story and the old grandparents are actually Alison and Noah . the story has been set back to jump back in Time as the story unravels you understand the reasons for why .
c- Alison Hamilton  comes from a wealthy background whom her mother is highly proud of , her father owning many businesses and a huge house in the city consisting of maids and house workers to support them . Alison seems to come across as slightly superior to Noah from her higher class however as the story unravels we begin to see her understanding of true love . we firstly see Alison as the stereotypical daughter  . However her growth develops and symbolises the development of real love 
noah Cahoun is the main character in the notebook . we immediately see his passion for his work , family and most importantly Alison . despite his background being a lower class citizen money doesn't bother him unlike Alisons parents he cares more about true faith and true love . Noah is the idea man (faithful helpful idealistic act) at the end of the film we see clear dedication towards his wife -Alison 
anne Hamilton is the mother of Alison , she represents a typical higher class women she carries a hatred towards Noah and trys everyday to break them too apart . at the begginign she sees the two realatioshop as a joke and only being a summer fling despite how much Alison tells her .as time goes on for this character she realises all her mistakes .she encourages Alison to follow her heart and by that meaning go for Noah . 
t-in the notebook they use classical 1940s music , trying to set the scene , they begin with an opening shot of a sunset containing orange and bring red lighting . we then are drawn to a sunrise over a lake it looks tranquil and peace-full empathising the romantic atmosphere 

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