Monday 9 September 2019


language - The language here starts of slow to express his emotions , it then builds up creating a more lively scene , when the music starts it begins to add people in and then when it ends their is just him repeating the beginning . The language here is showing his thoughts about his purpose in life and that his worth is nothing , like the title of song purpose  he says in his interview that he began to find his purpose , which is why he wrote this song
industry - scooter braun is Justin biebers manager this was founded from braun coming across beibers videos on you-tube and then showed interest in the Canadian signer , at the time he was only 13
audience- the audience for this would usually be around young teenagers , mostly aimed at the female section between the ages 12+ , the reason for this is because it is 'pop' music and many have an interest in this music . the reason i feel as if this age group fits Justin bieber is because his songs are mostly about love and relationships and this stereotypical would fit .beiber is a fashionably man who seems to dress well in the latest clothing , therefore i would exopect the girls of the younger female audience to have an interest in this . lastly beiber is active , he commits to a range of sports and going out , many people would see this as a active lifestlye and would wasn't to see more .
representation - the representation of purpose is about his life and that hsi worth was nothing he wanted to gain it as he felt like he didnt have a purpose in life by making this music video it showed him how he has a purpose of life

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