Friday 27 September 2019

media language

the film up 
camera - it first starts off bright lights it consist of close ups and tracking back .the cameras shows how time is passing by for the couple starting of by showing their young youth years and then speed up the shots for middle age it then starts to slow down when they get to grandparents as they get old , the shots come long distance and more slower when traveling with the moving people .]
sound - the music starts of with happy upbeat positive music it then slows down when you see the couple have miss-carriage it bounces up as they get their life together however when they start to get ill the music dyes down the music is resembling their life 
editing - at the start it shows short screen times followed by lots of transitions to show their happy fulfilled life with excitement when he gets older the transitions get very quick showing the days passing by from the calendar dates . this scene is all fast pace however when they reach elderly age the editing and screen time gets slower representing their life 
mise en scene - the costumes that the couple wear front he start is a classic young teenage outfit when they grow up it consists of bow ties and suits for the man and for the lady you see the different styles passing thought the decades . the lighting at the start shows the house is very dull and don't a lot of life in it when they decide paint and cheer it up with bright fun colors the lighting it bright showing their positive life . when the miss carriage occurs , we see a image of them sitting in the doctors office upset getting the sad news the outside of the office is dark and gloomy however where they are placed it is bright this could show there life is on a spotlight in ways that having a baby is a must have however it is not . it shows intimidation towards the couple . the couple show their romantic side towards each other they start of in love and when the lady dies the man has a down scene we see his house get dull and depressed. the props in this film would be the house . we see the house dull fulled with no love and tender when the couple arrive we see them do it up and make it into a home . 

the film the ghost ship 
sound -  at the start there is Italian music preforming , violins in the background everything seems normal the music and mood is parallel , the music is a soft pace relaxing and fit for the scene however the music gets loud and faster when the action happens .
camera/editing  -the camera starts of by showing dissolved cuts followed by a slow pace movement . it shows a calm scene and secures the audience . From an audiences position you would not think anything could go wrong . the camera then travels around the whole ship we see this huge ship not realising what could go wrong . 
mise en scene - the costumes for this shows a upperclass citizens traveling on a boat the men in suits followed by women in formal dresses . the lady singing in a red dresses with red satin gloves looks formal .
the lighting for this starts of in the hall everyone dancing the lights are a bright tone followed bu a big chandelier in the centre it looks formal and bright however when they travel upstairs to the top deck it then turns to a dark setting it has dark scenes despite it is at night there is a dark gloomy feel to this .the main actor is in a red satin dress . immediately you woudbt assume this senses danger because everything is parallel however when things turn dark you could say from the colour of her dress it shouted danger from the start .

the film cape fear-
sound - the music is thrilling at the start to create a suspense scene it begins to get louder when the moves from door to door it then begins to slow down and get quiter you get to hear background noisers more like the sound the gate shutting .when the thunder begins the music appears . camera/editing - the camera starts of by travelling down the prison wall it then focuses on the man doing press-up it zooms out . the camera then travels with the man . at the end the man is walking up towards the still camera and its the man who moves . this could portray his freedom as he is not being followed around anymore . 
mise en scene - the man looks into religion he has a cross largely displayed on his back followed by scales showing the picture of justice this would be unusual for a man in prison .
there are a few props in this opening scene one being that the books he has . many people in prison would not read about criminal law t . he does not seem bothered  by them anymore as he quotes " I have read them ". it makes the character seem unusual 

clueless the film -  sound - music starts immediately into the film showing a pop rock song . expressing what American kids do , its an upbeat song therefore we suggest at the beginning what this film will be about . the main character Cher , is talking behind the camera you get to Hear about herself .
camera - the camera is very chaotic which represents the people in this film .quik fast shots speed up to capture every moment in the summer . the camera follow around Chers dad whom is high up business man this could suggest his character is superior to others .
the lighting is very bright the outfit that she has is a bright yellow checkered suit and skirt . the colour yellow represents happy positive which could show us her character more . you get to see  the upper side of America with houses larger than most . she droves around in a higher class car which shows her wealth . despite the opening scene only being a few minutes we get to capture what the main characters are like .

premier practice

camera shots

the purpose of this task is to explore the different camera angles and shots .
an example of a camera shot is a close up this only get the face in and not the  body
another example is the birds eye view we had to find somewhere high up and capture a picture

Friday 13 September 2019


The semiotics for this film front cover ( insidious chapter 2) is that you would assume that something bad is about to happen , from the expressions on her face they look like something is coming for them . The dark background creates a sinister tone with dark red . The color red indicates danger it can also associate with blood anger and fire . This shows from the front cover that this film could be about something bad and dangerous as we assume from the  color red . in this picture you can see shadows , this also sets a scary tone in the picture . Shadow often represent someones presence , this film is based on ghost and spirits .therefore the poster would represent this .the icons in this film front cover is the hammer , this creates a dangerous effect . the reason for this is because a hammer is something that a boy of a small age would not hold an object like that

Thursday 12 September 2019

theme family and thriller

Theme Family
The theme is here is family. The reason we decided to use icons is because I feel as if it makes it more of a family film , using a wig , pom poms and sunglasses creates a humoristic  picture . we decided to make this person jump in the air , most family films are energetic surely for the children to not get bored . we desided to chose some of the backgrounds for the family theme we got because it thought that it represented a playground .

                                 thriller theme

the theme here is  thriller despite this a challenge as the backgrounds were hard to plan we picked to do a fight scene , using a bat .the next photograph is meant to come across as a mystery as its a thriller scene . I feel the last photograph really fits the theme and is the best one we have , it reminded us of  crime scene that has been guarded of .

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Monday 9 September 2019

the note book analysis

the note book analysis 

Image result for film posters notebook

d- From looking at this poster from the film"the note book" you would assume that this is about a boy and girl who fall in love . By looking at the clothing you could predict that this was back in a later period and isn't modern . Some people would say the rain helps add a romantic touch .
s- The setting here is rain , normally rain would indicate something bad is about to happen however in this scene it shows us how the characters are so committed to each other that they don't care about the weather , this then lets the audience see their love for each other despite bad situations .
t-The theme here is love , there is a slight theme of hatred toward the mother and son-in law  as their different thoughts contrast .
i- The props here they use is a house ( the story is based on her wealth and his love and care for her despite the money ,her parents disprove they plan to build a house however things go down hill and then they break up , however he still manages to build the house they always wanted ) the house is a main icon in this film .
n- The two different family one being weathy background  and one being from a lower class family . They fall in love however her mother has more care about her daughters future then the current situation about money , she hopes her daughter will find someone who will provide her with money despite Noah earning  low . the mothers relationship shows us what sort of women she is , she doesn't look at her husband the way Alison looks at Noah therefore shows us tat the parents are not in love and could be only together for financial support .throught ups and downs their relationship goes from, bad to worse when Alison is forced to move 365 letters later Noah stops trying not knowing Alison never received one of them letter instead her mother had hidden them to prevent Noah and Alison getting back together . the story is told by two old grandparents the old lady whom has amnesia and can't remember her life and the other by a old grandparent who is telling a story to the lady with amnesia , you then begin to understand the reason why the old man is telling the lady with amnesia which is because they story is about a love story and the old grandparents are actually Alison and Noah . the story has been set back to jump back in Time as the story unravels you understand the reasons for why .
c- Alison Hamilton  comes from a wealthy background whom her mother is highly proud of , her father owning many businesses and a huge house in the city consisting of maids and house workers to support them . Alison seems to come across as slightly superior to Noah from her higher class however as the story unravels we begin to see her understanding of true love . we firstly see Alison as the stereotypical daughter  . However her growth develops and symbolises the development of real love 
noah Cahoun is the main character in the notebook . we immediately see his passion for his work , family and most importantly Alison . despite his background being a lower class citizen money doesn't bother him unlike Alisons parents he cares more about true faith and true love . Noah is the idea man (faithful helpful idealistic act) at the end of the film we see clear dedication towards his wife -Alison 
anne Hamilton is the mother of Alison , she represents a typical higher class women she carries a hatred towards Noah and trys everyday to break them too apart . at the begginign she sees the two realatioshop as a joke and only being a summer fling despite how much Alison tells her .as time goes on for this character she realises all her mistakes .she encourages Alison to follow her heart and by that meaning go for Noah . 
t-in the notebook they use classical 1940s music , trying to set the scene , they begin with an opening shot of a sunset containing orange and bring red lighting . we then are drawn to a sunrise over a lake it looks tranquil and peace-full empathising the romantic atmosphere 


language - The language here starts of slow to express his emotions , it then builds up creating a more lively scene , when the music starts it begins to add people in and then when it ends their is just him repeating the beginning . The language here is showing his thoughts about his purpose in life and that his worth is nothing , like the title of song purpose  he says in his interview that he began to find his purpose , which is why he wrote this song
industry - scooter braun is Justin biebers manager this was founded from braun coming across beibers videos on you-tube and then showed interest in the Canadian signer , at the time he was only 13
audience- the audience for this would usually be around young teenagers , mostly aimed at the female section between the ages 12+ , the reason for this is because it is 'pop' music and many have an interest in this music . the reason i feel as if this age group fits Justin bieber is because his songs are mostly about love and relationships and this stereotypical would fit .beiber is a fashionably man who seems to dress well in the latest clothing , therefore i would exopect the girls of the younger female audience to have an interest in this . lastly beiber is active , he commits to a range of sports and going out , many people would see this as a active lifestlye and would wasn't to see more .
representation - the representation of purpose is about his life and that hsi worth was nothing he wanted to gain it as he felt like he didnt have a purpose in life by making this music video it showed him how he has a purpose of life