Friday 10 January 2020

daily mail front cover

daily mail evaluation front cover

The task that we were given was to create a front cover based on the daily mail  . This front cover had to be constructed and layed out the same as if you were to buy a daily mail newspaper . I made sure when creating this that the layout was similar . I did this by making the picture on the right hand side because most daily mail front covers place the photo on the right, they then have a large heading at the left side and therefore i wanted to  create this the same .
 the target audience for the daily mail are mostly women from the lower middle class . The daily mail also has an interest for the royal family therefore i thought that i would add the suspicions for baby number 4 as that is what the daily mail would of done . The reason i used the photograph on the left side was because it showed a well known celebrity family and thought this was fit for the right target audience . 
I researched for this task because i wanted to get an idea about the topics and story that are placed on this . I found that the daily mail has a lot of popularity on TV and showbiz (therefore i picked the kardashians story as part of this topic ) and news (about the school play incident ) .
a challenge for me that i thought was hard was the layout i wanted the same style of writing to make it more identical however i could not it however i managed to find one that was similar .

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