Tuesday 14 January 2020

owner ship types

 - all different film companies owning each other 

vertical integration
when company has ownership of the means of production distribution and exhibition of the film by  some company as they receive all of the profit

horizontal integration
when the production company expands into other areas of one industry . it can merges with another companies that do the same thing to help eliminate competition . the profit will be shared among  each company

advantages                                                                                                             disadvantages 
 alot of control                                                                                               individuals  and small
cheeper profit kept                                                                                        businesses have less control

film industry - paper 2 section A


making a film

scripted idea
story board

production design makeup

post production 
sound effect 
* the producer is involved in every step 

4 stages of a film 

- production - making a film

- distribution - selling it

- marketing - promoting it / trailer 

-exhibition / exchange - Netflix 


- is when two or more companies engage in a multi industry company


Friday 10 January 2020

daily mail front cover

daily mail evaluation front cover

The task that we were given was to create a front cover based on the daily mail  . This front cover had to be constructed and layed out the same as if you were to buy a daily mail newspaper . I made sure when creating this that the layout was similar . I did this by making the picture on the right hand side because most daily mail front covers place the photo on the right, they then have a large heading at the left side and therefore i wanted to  create this the same .
 the target audience for the daily mail are mostly women from the lower middle class . The daily mail also has an interest for the royal family therefore i thought that i would add the suspicions for baby number 4 as that is what the daily mail would of done . The reason i used the photograph on the left side was because it showed a well known celebrity family and thought this was fit for the right target audience . 
I researched for this task because i wanted to get an idea about the topics and story that are placed on this . I found that the daily mail has a lot of popularity on TV and showbiz (therefore i picked the kardashians story as part of this topic ) and news (about the school play incident ) .
a challenge for me that i thought was hard was the layout i wanted the same style of writing to make it more identical however i could not it however i managed to find one that was similar .